Gareth Snell Labour and Co-operative Candidate for Stoke-on-Trent Central
The ongoing situation in Jammu and Kashmir is deeply concerning. Since the Indian Government first announced its intention to revoke Article 370, we’ve seen Prime Minister Modi continue to act aggressively towards the Kashmiri people. The contempt with which he and his government have approached – and escalated – the situation has been completely unjustifiable.
The international community must continue to put pressure on Mr Modi to reconfirm the constitutional protections of the Kashmiri people, end the curfew, fully reinstate communications, and ensure that international observers are allowed safe access into the region to monitor the situation. Numerous constituents have contacted me about this issue and I am aware of the deeply personal connections many local residents have with the region – particularly those with family or friends living in Kashmir.
Alongside my constituency Labour colleague, Ruth Smeeth MP, I recently wrote to the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab MP, to express our anger at Prime Minister Modi’s reckless decision to revoke Article 35A and 370 and the continuing human rights violations occurring in the region. We urged him to directly intervene with both the Indian and Pakistani Governments and work with the international community to end the stand off and demand that the Indian Government’s brutality in Kashmir ceases with immediate effect.
While I am pleased the Foreign Secretary has shared many of the concerns we have raised with him within his response, the action the government is taking does not go nearly far enough. Put simply, it doesn’t appear as if there is a clear plan for how they are going to help deescalate the situation. It is time the UK Government stepped up to the plate and worked with our international partners to stand up for the rights of the Kashmiri people.
Here’s a copy of my letter to the Foreign Secretary and the Foreign Office’s reply ⬇️